• Immunity through 24 herbs
  • Promotes energy
  • Helps post surgical recovery
  • Improves Digestion

Qty: 200ml


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Seasonal changes trigger susceptibility to various types of infections like viral, bacterial as well as fungal. In Ayurveda, this phenomenon is termed as Beej Bhumi theory (seed & land). The theory states that body is bombarded with various types of toxins called AMA in Ayurveda. Now, if the body lacks vigour (Called Ojus in Ayurveda), it makes fertile breeding ground for the infections to grow similarly as seeds sprout in a fertile land.

The most effective way to bypass these threats is by attaining STRONG IMMUNITY-

In Ayurveda, strong immunity is attained through healthy digestion, liver function, proper metabolism called Agni and a balanced hormonal function. Strong immunity is reflected as Ojus (vigour).

IMMUNARMOR syrup through its rich combination of 24 Herbs cleans the Ama (Toxins), nourishes the body, lubricates, balances the system and ultimately provides a strong shield against the infections.

Each 10 ml contains liquid extracts from:

DOSAGE: 5-10ml with lukewarm water, Three to four times daily or as directed by physician.


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Helps in weight loss, Immunity booster, good for diabetics, aids digestion.


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Has antioxidant, antipyretic, antiviral, anticold properties. Also has anti-inflammatory & antibacterial properties. Above all, Tulsi is a proven Immune booster.


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This is a herb with incredible benefits. In Sanskrit, Giloy is known as ‘Amrita’ (Nectar). Giloy Boosts Immunity, fights free radicals, keep cells healthy. Giloy helps remove toxins, purifies blood, fights disease causing bacteria. Also treats Liver diseases. It's an antipyretic in nature and can reduce signs and symptoms of certain viral and bacterial infections. Giloy improves digestion, treat diabetes, reduces stress and anxiety, fights respiratory problems treat Arthritis, improves vision and reduces signs of Aging.


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It is a great medicine. Rich source of fibre, Vitamin C, K and B and certain minerals like Iron, magnesium, Selenium, Phosphorus, potassium, folate and Zinc etc.


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It is classified as adaptogen which means it helps in managing stress. Ashwagandha has been used for over 3000 years to relieve stress, increase vigor and vitality and improve concentration. Besides Ashwagandha fights inflammation, lowers body sugar levels. It may also help reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels.


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It is famous combination of 10 herbs. It’s a Tridosha Nashak i.e. balances Vata, Pitta and Kapha, the very basis of the ancient science of Ayurveda, often called the mother of healing.


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Has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties. May help boost immune system, relieve cough, diarrhoea, act as a diuretic and help treat kidney stones.


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Indicated in reducing cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, bleeding disorders, stomach ulcers.


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It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a strong Antioxidant. Due to certain amazing properties of curcumin, the active ingredient in Haldi should help reduce risk of Heart disease, boost brain function, should lower risk of brain diseases, help prevent cancer. It may be useful in preventing and treating Alzheirmer’s disease. Arthritis patients respond very well to curcumin supplements.

Ghrit Kumari

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A very popular and widely used herb in Ayurveda. Its anti-aging properties can rejuvenate the skin. It improves strength, immunity and vigour. Besides, it is used in treating large number of ailments like constipation, abdominal tumors, spleen disorder, hepatitis and fibroids. Useful in treating skin disorders and psoriasis, hemorrhoids and so on.


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This herb is popular for its restorative and stimulant properties. This herb helps to increase and maintain the body’s resistance to fight against various diseases. It rejuvenates the body, Increase memory, longevity and immunity of the body.


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Used mainly for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, In skin disorders, ear ailments and for boosting Immunity.


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It is known to protect liver by removing toxins, has antipyretic and antiparasitic anti-cancer activity. Checks diabetes, used in skin care for its antioxidant properties.

Chhoti Pippal

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Chhoti Pippal

It helps in increasing immunity and helps in fighting infectious diseases. Helps in controlling cholesterol levels, helps in shortness of breath, headache, obesity, cough and cold.


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In Ayurveda, crinum latifolium plant is known as Sudarshan. It means it gives you peace and happiness just by its darshana (seeing it). It is a good anti-inflammatory agent. Sudarshan it is used for pain and swelling in ear, scabies, rheumatoid arthritis. It is the main herb for reducing fevers.


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Mainly used as a detoxifying agent for various disorders due to its promising antioxidant properties.


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An extremely important herb in Ayurveda. Manjishtha has been traditionally used as lymph mover and to revive sluggish blood circulation. It is used to breakdown blockages and to correct stagnation in the entire circulatory system.


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It's a powerhouse of nutrients. Rich source of vitamin C, Calcium and Iron. It has tremendous potential in boosting immunity naturally.


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It’s a popular herb in Ayurveda. Bala denotes “Strength”. Bala herbs in managing weight by suppressing apettite. Due to its antioxidant property, Bala is hepatoprotective & cardioprotective. It also exhibits hypoglycemic (blood sugar lowering property).


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It exhibits diuretic, aphrodisiac and anti-inflammatory properties.


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It’s a very popular & widely used herb. Mulethi is great for IMMUNITY & overall health. It also contains antiseptic properties & used as an expectorant & decongestant, so helps fight respiratory infections.


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Widely used to treat various kinds of respiratory disorders, cancer, inflammation, depression, diabetes, obesity and hepatotoxicity.


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A very good herb for digestive problems, viral fever, diarrhoea, dysentery, general detoxification of the body (blood and body tissues).


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A very popular herb which can be used in gum diseases, wound healing. It reduces GI Tract inflammation, reduces respiratory complications. Acts as an antipyretic, antimicrobial and also known to have anti cancerous properties, besides being used in treating whooping cough and asthma in children.

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